Sometimes things that typically happen randomly, happen in an orderly way. When you deal out a hand when playing cards, your odds of dealing the same hand twice is 1 in 8.06581752 x 1067.
That being the case, each hand that is dealt, no matter what cards you get, is kind of a miracle in itself because the odds of them coming out the way they did, is so random. If you were to get an Ace of spades as well as a 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 of spades. That would be a case of random things that happened in an orderly way rather than a miracle.
I often have feelings of Deja vu' but I realize it has more to do with my tendency to get time sequences mixd up. It's hard to explain but sometimes I see something happen in real time but my mind races ahead and starts looking backwards and begins remembering what I just saw, as if it happened before.